
I would just like to point out that it's raining again...still...always. I have had enough. I'm taking my boy and heading north to Buffalo where, I'm told, the sun has been shining and the temp has been topping out in the low 80s. This may be the first time in recorded history that someone goes to Buffalo to catch some sun - is that enough of an indication how just terribly awful the situation has become? We'll stay with my parents and my son will be able to play in their sandbox, swing on their gym and splash in their little pool (my parents are now better outfitted for children than they were when my sisters and I were young - such are the ways of grandparents). He will have the summer that he has, so far, been denied. My mom has promised a group effort on a large batch of strawberry jam - hopefully she can show me how to do it right.

Back in a week.

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