
Today's order of business is to congratulate Owen Linderholm on the publication of Digital Dish, the first offering from his new publishing company Press for Change. Naturally, this accomplishment in itself is noteworthy for I am in awe of anyone whose passion and commitment manages to get a business off the ground but that Owen is taking on the notoriously tough nut of the publishing biz, well, I find that just really amazing.

I'm especially excited about the arrival of Digital Dish because Owen included several of my essays from Hot Water Bath, an unbelievable honor given the company those essays are keeping and thrill quite unlike anything else I have experienced. I'm about halfway through the finished book and I am so pleased and proud to be a part of such a delightful collection. Hopefully, I'll have some permanent links up soon - pending me wrapping my little head around the code - but for now if you'd like more information just head on over to Press for Change's Digital Dish pages.

Congratulations, Owen. I hope that Digital Dish is but the beginning of a long and happy publishing career. I look forward to being able to say someday that I was there at the start.

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